Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Autostitch for IPhone

This aplication allow iphone user to modify their picture n looks like it was taken by wide lens camera. Take series of frame pictures and merge it with autostitch,the u will get a wide lens effect like the picture below, she's my friend Julie from China, she was sit inside Chuo line train from Nara.
Fani Atmanti

Weird Ticket in Nara

Today me,Ossa n other friends from Virtual Reality class went to NAIST to see their open univ. Btw in chuo line,I bought ticket to Umeda,actually it costs 720yen but it's written 270yen. I dunno why...
Fani Atmanti


karna akhir2 ini banyak tema makanan,, saia tak mau ketinggalan untuk menghadirkan yg berikut ini, ehehe

besok mau ada bazar di kampus, mohon doanya supaya laris manis jualan nasi kuning yaa (o^^)b

berhubung tadi takar2an resepnya pake kira-kira sahaja,, lebih untuk membuat yang sebenarnya, silakan Anda menengok yang berikut.

baiklah kalau begitu ^^


Friday, May 28, 2010

Wedang Jahe

It's getting cold lately and some guys are catching cold. Hm… are you? This is a simple recipe: hot ginger! Known as Wedang Jahe in Javanese.

Take care! Xoxo

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This photo was taken with my handphone. I took it in Gerbang Depan ITB, near ATM BNI while there was an event called Pagelaran Seni Budaya.

Those letters are written in several Bahasa Daerah, mean 'Welcome' :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010


To Christopher in The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time (novel), the number of red car he sees in a day, shows his fortune on that day. So, the more red cars he sees, the luckier he's gonna be.

What if we see 3 bicycles in a row like these, Christopher?

Friday, May 21, 2010


ini busnya JR
jarang2 ketemu si, hihi
warnanya merah lagi, berasa keren gt pas lewat, plusplus ditambah tulisan red liner :D


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CK's Birthday

Birthday??? Wow, it means party! Yay! But, what if you have 3 ( or I heard it was actually 4 ) different parties in a year just to celebrate a single birthday?

Hohoho, that's what happened when I dropped myself to Tasaka-san's place today. I met CK and when I apologized for wishing her birthday so late, she told me that she's actually throwing a small party there.

Oowww a coincidence? It is. Maybe because I missed the previous parties kkk. And God wants me to enjoy CK's birthday party (yes, only one party for me).

Everybody enjoys the cake, but nobody knows how does it feel to be "18" like CK :D

Happy birthday, Sister! May your days filled with joy and happiness <3 and let's make it true: a spoonful of cakes for everyone every month :p

Fair Black And White

Hohoho, I've posted Igo last time, now let me post chess :) I simply love the pins (?) they look so fat and cute :p. And do you realize that the board is not black and white but plainly green instead? It's good to know that it has grid lines in it ehehe.

When i captured this pic, one of the player invited me to join. Ha? Me?? Chess??? I'm not good at chess, you're gonna get bored soon since I will lose so soon. :D





因みに、次の授業のとき、手を顔に寄せたら甘いにおいがしてちょー気持ちよかった。ありがとうねか◯ちゃん!次の"プロジェクト"をお待ちしておりますw xoxo

Big Can of Cans

I was kinda surprised seeing a big and long lines a few meters from the shuttle bus lines. They changed the bus stop? No no… there was this expensive car parked in front of the cafetaria ★

Whadda??? And there was also a man, pouring some sort of liquid out from the big can into a small cups. There was also a girl who passed those cups to some students who had spent their time lining.

Even A Bigger Heart

Not a very wide screen, let's say. But even the largest plasma TV in Yodobashi Camera cannot display big and warm hearts. So, how is this screen supposed to do so? Then, who knows? It's only your heart. Because hearts do not need any screen to display them. The world already knows those hearts by heart. So, open your heart for those who love.

Friday, May 14, 2010

In Her Head (roeutena)

There's a space in her head, veiled by a very thin layer. What you see might not be what she's thinking. Secret makes a woman woman

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


the flower



Saturday, May 1, 2010

no rain no rainbow


fukuoka, April 29 2010