Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1 error →1716!!!

Awww first it said "1 error: there is no SDK with the name or path 'bla bla bla'".
Then, after a setting in 'Edit Project Setting" and Build and Run it turns to 1716
Good bye bye bye


  1. klo itu pake xcode yg terbaru, trus mu supaya appnya jalan di OS < 4.0, tinggal ganti target deployment ke OS yg mau ditargetin, trus build pake Base SDK, which is OS 4.0 simulator biasanya. Gtu aja. Emang ga ada simulator buat OS yg dulu2. mestinya sih klo dah di set target deploymentnya langsung jalan di OS versi itu. coba run aja di device, mestinya sih langsung bisa :D
    Klo bukan itu masalahnya, gomen ne, udah sok tau :D

  2. oH~~~ target deployment itu apa Om?


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